Deep State Goes Ballistic That Trump Pulling Troops From Zionist War in Syria

The Deep State, ruled by Israel's foreign policy agenda to overthrow Assad after overthrowing Saddam and Gaddafi, and eventually moving onto Iran, today showed rare unity which only occurs when Israel's foreign policy, using America's army, is threatened. In 2015 former National Security Adviser John Bolton, one of the staunchest hawks for American troops in Syria in American foreign policy circles, wrote for the New York Times : "The best alternative to the Islamic State in northeastern Syria and western Iraq is a new, independent Sunni state....This “Sunni-stan” has economic potential as an oil producer..." In others words, Bolton and his fellow "Neocons" have as their goal a redrawing of the map of the Middle East, enforced by American arms. It matters not that the plan requires American troops to be in the Middle East indefinitely, as the police force which prevents Assad from obliterating "Sunnistan," which means ISIS, or Turkey fr...