Photo of Pelosi Standing and Pointing Finger at Trump Amid Mutual Allegations of "Meltdown"

#PelosiMeltdown President Trump and Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi traded mutual accusations that the other had suffered a "meltdown" in a White House meeting today, with Pelosi saying later "we have to pray for [the President's] health" after Trump called her a "third-rate politician." Pelosi and Democrat Chuck Schumer walked out of the meeting which was called to discuss Syria. However, Trump tweeted a picture of Pelosi standing and pointing her finger at him, as Trump looks across a large meeting table seating more a dozen both Democrat and Republican congress members and officials. Trump called the tweet "nervous Nancy's unhinged meltdown." Trump said this week about Syria: "We have a situation where Turkey is taking land from Syria. Syria's not happy about it. Let them work it out," Trump said. "They have a problem at a border. It's not our border. We shouldn't be losing lives over it....