Photo of Pelosi Standing and Pointing Finger at Trump Amid Mutual Allegations of "Meltdown"


President Trump and Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi traded mutual accusations that the other had suffered a "meltdown" in a White House meeting today, with Pelosi saying later "we have to pray for [the President's] health" after Trump called her a "third-rate politician."  Pelosi and Democrat Chuck Schumer walked out of the meeting which was called to discuss Syria.

However, Trump tweeted a picture of Pelosi standing and pointing her finger at him, as Trump looks across a large meeting table seating more a dozen both Democrat and Republican congress members and officials.

Trump called the tweet "nervous Nancy's unhinged meltdown."

Trump said this week about Syria:
"We have a situation where Turkey is taking land from Syria. Syria's not happy about it. Let them work it out," Trump said. "They have a problem at a border. It's not our border. We shouldn't be losing lives over it."
On Russia's role, Trump said:
"Syria may have some help with Russia, and that's fine. They've got a lot of sand over there. So, there's a lot of sand that they can play with. Let them fight their own wars."
Trump added:
"We're 7,000 miles away"



  2. Ahhhhhh, the smell of liquor and dentures all over the board room!!! Get the lysol-QUICK!

  3. If Trump kept the troops there, she would be screaming to take them home. She just wants to oppose everything he says and does.

  4. Hold fast Mr. President! We the American people are with you 100$

  5. She's making a "gun shape" with her finger! She should be kicked out of school!

  6. He's such an asshole. Throwing insults at everyone. No professionalism at all in any regard. Whether his policy is right or wrong, it is always about him, and he's always a bullying asshole.


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