9/11: How it Was Done, the Science of Demolition
Special Series A Citizen's 20 Points to Drive Home the Truth About 9/11 9/11 Science Club: Mass Does Not Accelerate as it "Accumulates" Whom Would We Arrest for the 9/11 False Flag Attacks? 9/11 Truth Made Easy: Wrap Your Head Around One Thing Who Did 9/11: Technology of Autopilot/Remote Flight 9/11: How it Was Done, the Science of Demolition Satellite Photo Shows 9/11 Was Demolition By "James Madison" #howtheydid911 As public awareness grows about the truth about 9/11, it serves to point out that many features of the towers' destruction fit perfectly with standard patterns of demolition. Evidence which at first seems puzzling is in fact consistent with known demolition techniques. WTC 7 differed from Towers One and Two in that WTC7 was a traditional "bottom-up" implosion. The Twin Towers, on the other hand, exhibited the more unfamiliar pattern of a "banana peel" demolition, which starts at the middle or the top of a...