Las Vegas Mass Shooting False Flag Solved?

If you can pardon the corny theatrics of this guy likening himself to a gunslinger, and his facts check out, he might be onto something.  "John E Hoover's" main contention is that Las Vegas tourist helicopter traffic flows a certain way, up and down the strip at 3,000 feet, and that there was no air traffic according to flightradar24 anyway, in the time frame of the shooting.  Therefore the running lights and perhaps gunfire seen crossing back and forth in front of the killing zone, seen in municipal camera footage, could be helicopter firing platforms.

Why would airborne firing platforms flash running lights?   I would think if there were two criss-crossing the same area there is a very real possibility of a mid-air collision without them, so much that I'd gamble on the running lights being easy to explain away rather than risk it.

This evidence does not supersede the even more compelling evidence that the rate and sound of fire does not match a bump-fired AK, but does exactly match an M-240 Bravo light belt-fed fully automatic machine gun.  The following demonstration nails it.

Some of the commentary on the original Youtube channel reads:

I was an 0331 in the Marine Corps in a heavy gun platoon, and from the very first sounds from the videos that I heard I said it was a belt fed automatic weapon.
From the first time i heard the shooting video i knew its wasn't a modified semi auto rifle.
I spend plenty of time in Afghanistan to recognize weapon reports. We knew if we were being fired at by enemy or our own troops shooting over our heads, not knowing we were on their line of fire, by the sound and pattern of the weapon's report. I can completely say that the weapon system used on this night, in Vegas, was NOT an AR15 (variants). Bump stock or auto sear, the AR's fire rate does not match the firearm used to zip all these people.
If the air traffic claims of "John E Hoover" check out, then this is good evidence, as some witnesses claimed, that the shooting seemed to come from "all over."  No gunfire can be seen coming from the alleged shooter's - Paddock's - Mandalay Bay windows, and there is evidence that the windows were broken out after the firing stopped.

At one point a policeman can be heard pointing in the direction of a helicopter and saying "What's that?" as others instinctively point cellphone cameras in the same direction.

Combined with the multiple detailed witness reports that there were multiple shooters, the Las Vegas single shooter using a bump-stock theory, adding to the call to ban assault rifles, seems to be unraveling.  Of all the mass gun-grab agenda shooting false flags, this seems to be the most flagrant.

"John E Hoover's" thesis immediately below.  We are being ruled by utterly the cruelest of psychopaths and their agenda to take our guns away and leave us helpless against them, pray President Trump busts them up soon.


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