DNC Perez Nixed Climate Debate, Warned Candidates Not to Participate in Other Climate Debates

By William Rivers Pitt
The Arctic and the Amazon — two places that should generally not be on fire if we want to keep this whole “life on Earth as we know it” thing rolling — are burning. Climate change did not cause the Amazon fires — people did, specifically cattle farmers clearing land — but fires within the planetary oxygen engine of that rainforest will, if unchecked, exacerbate climate disruption in ways many fear to contemplate.
The Arctic fires thousands of miles away are directly due to climate change, and could immediately lead to a massive release of methane that has, until now, been trapped under permafrost – which is now melting. That release would lead to accelerated melting of the ice caps, bringing raised sea levels and sweeping annihilation to coastal regions everywhere.
Probably something we should be talking about at the highest levels, yes? As far as the Democratic debates to help decide who will be the 2020 presidential nominee are concerned, the Democratic National Committee (DNC) has other plans, which is to say, they have no plans to have a single-issue debate on climate or any other topic of merit. 
The DNC’s resistance to holding a specific presidential debate on climate has been a summer-long affair. In June, DNC chairman Tom Perez informed the candidates that a climate debate was off the table. In a statement released just after the DNC’s announcement, former presidential candidate Jay Inslee — who first requested this specifically defined debate — released an angry denunciation of the decision.
“Today, my team received a call from the Democratic National Committee letting us know that they will not host a climate debate,” the Inslee statement read. “Further, they explained that if we participated in anyone else’s climate debate, we will not be invited to future debates. This is deeply disappointing.”...  MORE  https://truthout.org/articles/the-dnc-nixed-a-climate-debate-because-thats-what-chairman-perez-wanted/?eType=EmailBlastContent&eId=6bcd2cef-ec51-4f48-8c5a-6bf6c5a8a128


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